Donations and Gifts

Cash, Bequests, Works of Art, Real Estate, Insurance, Stocks and Shares, Gifts (not being testamentary gift) of the value of $2 and upwards of money and property which was purchased by a tax payer of Australia within twelve months immediately preceding the making of the gift are allowable tax deductions.

Cheques should be made payable to - Victorian Lions Foundation Charitable Fund and sent to:

Victorian Lions Foundation,

37 Arden Avenue,
Victoria, Australia 3224


Direct debit to

Bendigo Bank

BSB:633 000  
Account No: 150 261 121

With an email to the and

With a copy of the deposit slip and also notification of the funds

Intended recipient group (ie Bionics Australia etc)

© Victorian Lions Foundation Inc. | Website Coordinator | Updated September 05 2022